My latest adaption for the world of YS: the Whispercraft!
It features in The 6th Day with Arnie Schwarzenegger, which actually wasn't a bad flick in my humble opinion. I found the mesh somewhere on the Internet, might've been turbosquid or something, and it was a really really good mesh to use for YS. Not many poly's, clean, well constructed, so all I had to do was take it apart, and glue it back together with DNM viewer,

You might remember the one thing that makes it special: rotorblades that turn into wings at a certain speed. Well, I have managed to recreate that, however, the limitations in YS flight animations don't make the process very smooth looking. In fact, I had to put to CLA 3 rotors on top of each other, and with CLA 1 variable wing turn one of them around on top of the other so they would counteract each other and the wing wouldn't move at a certain speed.

Sounds great dunnit? Well, it works as well, but not before the blades kinda chop straight through the plane while one rotor CLA 3 turns around to the other. It doesn't take long fortunately, so you might just want to choose to close your eyes for the second that the blades convert, and pretend it looks great.
It was a concept that was actually researched, and it might still be, as a viable solution to the problem of speed limitations of helicopters. Rotorblades have problems with going faster than the sound barrier, and so you have to go to a fixed wing in order to make some speed. It would be a really cool thing to have flying around, but sadly it's still Science Fiction, and we can only imagine what it would be like to fly in. The military would be using it for sure though. It's fast. It can hover. It can carry troops, and weapons. And it looks cool.

So, I've made some military versions, and one special version: Specops!
This beauty has 4 commando's in the back, a red light for night flying (press flap), and a huge scary looking gun turret I borrowed from GAC's South African Hind chopper (I wanted the coolest looking gun after all).
DOWNLOAD LINK:***************************************************************

Credits for Welnio for making the gunpod. I took it from his beautiful Kiowa chopper.
Credits to the person making the mesh. I don't know your name but you've got talent, whoever you are!
Credits for someone making the pilot and wings as well, It came from the Apache I got from Skipper, but he's got it from elsewhere as well I heard, so I kinda lost track.
Credits for Soji for making this fantastic game! Whoo! Let's hear it for the man with the plan!