I believe in making good things better, and that's why I took it upon myself to breath some new life in one of YS Flight's best ever maps: Airstrike Challenge. Airstrike Challenge was perfect in many ways, but since it was built for older versions of YS there was lots of room for improvement.
The old map looked like this:
This is the new map:
There is one huge ridge dividing the enemy bases and your friendly airfield. This was good because you'd have to fly around the mountain to suprise the enemy during an attack, but bad because it doesn't make any sense. Where after all would you find a friendly airfield surrounded by enemy fortifications? Or an enemy nuclear reactor less than 4 miles from a friendly (but occupied) city?
So I started thinking. To make the situation more plausible I'd have to make the island completely invaded by the enemy. But that would mean the airfield would be inaccessible. So, I figured we-- the YSpilots -- would have to regain control of the island, which has been overrun by enemy forces. And that's what Airstrike Challenge II is all about.
So, what did I change? Well, I kept the good things--lots of different enemies, small compact size, the ridge-- and I added some more of it. I put in more mountains, smoothed out the colours, made em darker too, updated the groundobjects with Oranleed's Fufanl pack and 2CH, expanded the city adding enemy buildings (that shoot back), added ominous looking black boulders at the coast, and turned the truck depot in the centre of the island into a helicopter base.
Different ground objects:
More mountains:
Expanded city perimeter:
(I changed the sea colour after taking this picture)
Modified the Nuclear reactor base and put black boulders along the coastline:
(again with the old sea colours)
What makes this release different however, is my MISSION PACK for Airstrike Challenge II. You can play 5 missions in sequence, leading you from landing at the beach with only an M-16 with grenade launcher, to regaining the island with wingmen.
The story goes like this:
You are a one-man covert operative [Maru Soldier] sent out to regain control of Challenge Island (couldn't think of a better name). The first thing you do is land at a small vehicle depot guarded by bunkers and guardtowers. After taking them out you rendez-vous with a resistance fighter coming to you aid.
Together you take an army jeep with a machine gun mounted on top [Maru M151 with gun] and race to the helicopter base. There you take out all enemy fortifications and secure an OH-6 Littlebird special ops chopper for yourself and your buddy (In a different mission you can also choose to take an MI-24 Hind [Realism pack], but that really makes it too easy).
You fly the OH-6 Littlebird [CEP-2] to the airstrip on the South side of the island, making sure you are not spotted by the Su-33's and Mig-27's on patrol. You go in fast and accurate and take out all guard towers and AAA-guns. Take out the parked MI-24's before they come after you though. Secure the Harriers parked along the runway and land.
Finally you got some firepower then, but you have to use it wisely. Your fellow fighter pilots are held hostage in the city which is occupied by the enemy on every streetcorner. Flying the AV-8B Harrier II [Oranleed Hangar Pack], you must make sure to destroy enemy buildings and vehicles, all while keeping an eye out for those Su-33's and Mig-27's that are lurking behind you. Land in front of the large hangar in the city centre to free your wingmen and complete this mission!
City centre Hangar:
Finally then we're getting somewhere. You and your men are back in the seats for the final push. This time 4 Harriers take on the entire island--enemy fighter patrols and ground bases. Your primary objective is to destroy the Nuclear Reactor and deprive the enemy of its most valuable asset on the island. Secondly you must also knock out their radarbase to disrupt their communications. Lead your wingmen well during the assault, because you will need their assistance!
Can't wait to try it out?
Just download the files here:
Ground Objects and Aircraft are located in the folders of the people that made them, so I hope no-one objects to me using their objects. The OH-6 is one of my favourite choppers to fly, and this map just screamed "harrier!" at me when I thought of which airplane to use. The one in Hangar is the prettiest one!
So, get ready for a challenge!