Aye, me hearties, tis time to set loose me finest of releases thus far: the pirate ship!
Get ready to blow the cursed Dutch to Davy Jones' locker room and send the vile redcoat to fiddler's green! Get the wind in yer sails and smell the salty silt!
Avast! With this download you will not only get some pieces of eights as the booty, but included be also Tortuga Island, and Isla del Muerta! The palmtrees from Kzs be, and the other ground objects from yours truly.
Aye, it be time to be swashbucklin an take up the sweetest trade thar be!
Nay! this be not for scurvy dogs, squiffy sprogs, n lily-livered landlubbers!
Hoist the mizzen mast! Fly the Jolly Roger!
Aye, download now and become a gentleman of fortune, matey!
Wi' a wannion! A-YO-HO-HO!