I've been busy with some stuff so not too much going on with my mods, but i did manage to produce this little ditty here:
Might seem easy... And it was.
Only tricky bit was to have the mouth move the way it should.
So had to figure out how Maru had the legs move on his soldiers... and my parking officer...
And I think I got it now. It's pure genius of Maru to have come up with that by the way.
Not sure if he was the first, but he's definitely on to it. Same with this Gundam Z airplane I found the other day. Fantastic how these guys can make an actual transformer, actually moving the way it's supposed to do. Think that was Buta btw off the top of my head.
But anyhoo, you guys enjoy flying pacman.
Oh and he doesnt have any weapons of course, you're supposed to fly into objects thereby 'eating' them. Pac's strength is 5000. Should be enough.
Have fun!
Major Major
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